lucifer s sins

this is a blog mostly dealing with crap n mostly crap,crap,crap..hey did i say crap???/

Sunday, February 10, 2008

me and ma lovely car(i mean some1 else)..but kya fark padta hai bhavnao ko samjo
me and ma friend AMRi about to enter the GREAT TAJ
at chandni chowk on the rick wit shreyas and people...
me and chotu myan (karthik)...emptyin ourselves
in the bus to agra..the wagri people

praying for powers...freom the front karthik,alok,me ,ankit
the veer zara monument ,thats wot i call it and ma friends
the very own THE TAJ MAHAL...ohhh wot a feeling...the best moment of my life..was dumbstuck

the BABA was in town...
laughin all the way


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