lucifer s sins

this is a blog mostly dealing with crap n mostly crap,crap,crap..hey did i say crap???/

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

...........SCORNFUL MATERIALISM.......

One of those awful black days when nothing is pleasing and everything that happens is an excuse for anger.
An outlet for emotions stockpiled,
an arsenal,
an armour.
These are the days when I hate the world,
hate the rich,
hate the happy,
hate the complacent,
the TV watchers,
beer drinkers,
the satisfied ones.

Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things
and then I hate myself for realising that.

There's no preventative, directive or safe approach for living.
We each know our own fate. We know from our youth how to be treated, how we'll be received, how we shall end. These things don't change.
You can change your clothes, change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents but sooner or later your own self will always catch up. Always it waits in the wings.
Ideas swirl but don't stick.


Blogger Vinaykrishnan said...

Fantastic Geo!!! very true and very beautiful!!!

11:32 PM  

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