They cal it LOOOVEEEE
The heart-beats motion gently,
Kissing the less traversed way,
Two entities rejoice in the wilderness,
They call it LOVE.
Then gracious flow of laughter and joy,
The pleasing sight of the myriad emotions,
The warmth of the occupant hands,
They call it LOVE.
The gentle touching of the lips,
The snag against the body,
The movement within the unearthed places,
They STILL call it LOVE.
The gripping of those busts,
Moving lower down the aisle,
The taste of flesh,
They NOW call it LUST.
Where faith lodges with disbelief,
Where honesty overpowers it’s peers,
Where trust is admired more by mistrust,
Why isn’t LOVE considered equal to LUST?
The equality beckons, but the truth still remains,
Where LOVE thrives, LUST also reigns.
Though LOVE keeps the anima alive, leaving it’s trails,
The truth still is: LUST leaves its stains…
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